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September 16th, 2024
Sign up NOW!
First-come, First-served!
Limited spots available!

Train for FREE!!

The modern Law Enforcement Officer needs the ability to build weapon efficiency as well as being comfortable with manipulation and handling. Essential firearms skillsets are perishable if left untrained, this class is built to provide proper repetitive practice.


The “REPS for Heroes” Program allows companies to sponsor a Police Training Course, allowing law enforcement officers that wish to train on their own, during their own time and without having the need for department approvals (unless mandated).  Many times, officers do not find the time to fit in more lengthy training courses and are limited to shooting in a port at a public range.  These Training days are comprised of drills and getting proficient with the basics.  This program is designed to be at no cost to the attendees, allowing the officer to gain consistent repetitive training and get the skills that they need to better service their communities.

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